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Infinite Scrolling with Intersection Observer

This documentation explains a JavaScript code snippet that implements infinite scrolling using the Intersection Observer API. It dynamically loads new cards when the user reaches the bottom of the page.

Code Overview

const cards = document.querySelectorAll('.card');
const target = document.querySelector('.card:last-child');

function InfiniteObserver(entries) {
const lastCard = entries[0];

if (!lastCard.isIntersecting) return;

const options = {
rootMargin: '100px'

const lastCardObserver = new IntersectionObserver(InfiniteObserver, options);


cards.forEach(card => {

const cardContainer = document.querySelector('.card-container');

function loadNewCards() {
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
const card = document.createElement("div");
card.textContent = "New Card";
  • The cards variable stores a collection of elements with the class "card." These represent existing card elements on the page.

  • The target variable points to the last card element on the page, which serves as the target for the Intersection Observer to trigger the loading of new cards when it becomes visible.

  • The InfiniteObserver function is the callback executed when the target card enters the viewport. It checks if the target card is intersecting with the viewport, and if so, it calls the loadNewCards() function to load additional cards. It then unobserves the previously intersected card and observes the new target card.

  • The options object is used to configure the Intersection Observer. It sets a rootMargin of '100px', creating an intersection margin around the viewport's bottom edge.

  • A new Intersection Observer named lastCardObserver is created, using the InfiniteObserver function as its callback and the defined options.

  • The observer is started by calling lastCardObserver.observe(target), observing the last card element initially.

  • Existing card elements in the cards collection are observed using a separate observer.

  • The loadNewCards function generates and appends new card elements to the card container when called.


To implement infinite scrolling with Intersection Observer in your project:

  1. Include the JavaScript code within your HTML document.

  2. Ensure you have card elements with the "card" class on your webpage.

  3. As the user scrolls down the page and reaches the last card, new cards will be dynamically loaded and appended to the card container.

  4. You can customize the number and content of newly loaded cards by modifying the loadNewCards function.


This code demonstrates how to implement infinite scrolling on a webpage using the Intersection Observer API. It allows you to efficiently load and display new content as the user scrolls, improving the user experience and page performance.